Gallery Event

22 August – 2 September

Adrian Thornton - 'Machine Wreckers'

Join us for a multi-media exhibition event by members of the band Machine Wreckers which presents an array of stage props for their upcoming multi-sensory Hawke’s Bay Art Festival performance Birds of NZ. Insider tip: this show will be very cool - music, multi-media, beanbags and a chilled-out vibe - October 20th - book tickets at

Adrian is more widely known around town as both the producer of the Hastings Icons series, as well as being the proprietor of The Little Red Bookshop. He's also a musician, commonly associated with cinematic, art-skronk outfit Revolutionary Arts Ensemble.

In this exhibition, Thornton and fellow members of his other band Machine Wreckers, will apply a resolutely DIY ethos and approach by adorning Arts Inc. with an avian menagerie of native birds, both past, present and extinct. More than mere winged window dressing, these stencilled banners will double as stage props for the Machine Wreckers Hawke's Bay Arts Festival performance which in itself promises to be a fully immersive, multi-media experience, typical of past Thornton associated performances.

A fine feathered taster of things to come at their HBAF event, don’t miss the band's opening exhibition performance in our gallery on Wednesday August 23rd from 6pm.

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